Alpha G184 Owners Association vs M/S Magnum International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.

The Supreme Court of India has held that the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) erred in adjourning sine die the complaints filed by the Alpha G184 Owners Association against M/S Magnum International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd. The Court held that the pendency of a writ petition before the High Court of Punjab and Haryana challenging the registration of the Association under the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012, did not make the complaints not maintainable before the NCDRC.

The Association had filed the complaints alleging that the respondent had failed to construct and complete the promised flats within the timeline agreed upon, and had failed to pay compensation for the delay caused. The respondent had challenged the registration of the Association before the High Court, alleging that the Association’s aims and objectives were not in conformity with the HRRS Act. The High Court had stayed the proceedings before the NCDRC, but had not stayed the operation of the Association’s registration.

The Supreme Court held that the NCDRC had erred in adjourning the complaints sine die. The Court held that the pendency of the writ petition before the High Court did not make the complaints not maintainable before the NCDRC. The Court also held that the NCDRC could have proceeded with the complaints even if the Association’s registration was eventually cancelled.

The Supreme Court’s decision is a victory for the Association and for consumers in general. The decision sends a clear message that the NCDRC will not be deterred from hearing complaints against builders who have failed to deliver on their promises. The decision also reaffirms the importance of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, in protecting the interests of consumers.

The Supreme Court’s decision is a welcome development for consumers in India. The decision will help to ensure that builders who fail to deliver on their promises are held accountable. The decision will also help to protect the interests of consumers and to promote consumerism in India.

Author: Mayur Vinod Faria

This is Advocate Mayur Faria. I hope you found my information useful.